Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Milk Jug Easter Baskets

It's April and yes it really does bring showers, which can mean being stuck in doors.
Everyone is different but I don't allow my children to play on their tablets for more than an hour and try to keep t.v to a minimum as well.
So, what do you do on rainy days and Easter is around the corner??
Make Easter baskets out of milk jugs.
It keeps the kids entertained and also teaches them about reusing recyclable items which helps with the reduction of waste. Something my 4th grader is learning a lot about right now.

Items you need:

  • Milk Jugs
  • Soap
  • Bleach
  • Cotton Balls
  • Glue
  • Googlie Eyes
  • Button
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Pink Paper
  • Easter grass

I washed my jugs out with soap and hot water but then came back with bleach to make sure the milk smell absolutely wouldn't come back. You won't need be a dash of bleach. Make sure you shake it all around then rinse and let air dry.

Next draw your sketch onto the jug, so you know where to cut.

 (The one on the right is the rabbit and the other two were drawn to be regular baskets with handles)

 Take your pink paper and cut out ear centers and glue. Next, clue the cotton balls all over your rabbit and around the ears. Glue on googlie eyes on where you would like. Trim your pipe cleaners (I used two) to make 6 or more whiskers, using one short one to wrap them through the button and intertwine them all together. I didn't glue the button on, I poked the pipe cleaner that hold it together through the jug, since its heavy, and knot it.

When you are ready to use, place Easter grass inside and let them go find them eggs, or whatever you want to place in it.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Easter Centerpiece

April is here!!! Exciting on many MANY levels! 
Time to get out in the flower garden, enjoy the warm weather (before it gets too hot), Earth Day, and Easter!
I don't have many Easter decorations and thought I needed to make something! So, off I was to.... you guesses it, Hobby Lobby!
I bought a new vase the month before and knew exactly what I wanted to do. HL had other plans. All their Easter supplies where on sale! WE ALL LOVE SALES! 

Then I came across this --------->

Doing a vase centerpiece instantly went out the window. I would do something different and unique. Then began a new mission, something that would look good in my mini picketed fence yard.
                   I found:
                         Flowers                       Yarn Eggs                        A Cute Bunny                       

I placed the bunny in a corner, surrounded by flowers, because bunnies love flowers! Then I had my son randomly place the eggs in the grass. (Kids always want to help and it gives it more meaning when you do it with them) Then placed some more flowers throughout the grass and around the eggs. 

                                                              This is the ending project.